Mở tuyển sinh năm học 2023 - 2024. Đăng ký ngay

Decision Lab, the exclusive partner of YouGov in Vietnam, has unveiled the Decision Lab Automotive Brand Rankings 2023. The ranking reveals that Toyota is the best automotive brand in Vietnam. Vinfast has entered the top 5, surpassing many established global players, and achieved the second position in the northern region.

This is the first automotive ranking in the Vietnam market. The ranking is based on data from YouGov BrandIndex, a syndicated brand tracker that collects data on over 400 Vietnamese brands daily.

The Decision Lab Automotive Brand Rankings 2023 measures overall brand health by taking the average scores of six YouGov BrandIndex metrics: General Impression, Quality, Value, Corporate Reputation, Customer Satisfaction, and Recommendation. Automotive businesses can use this ranking to understand their brand performance, compare themselves with their competitors, and identify areas for improvement.

The full report is available for download from the Decision Lab website.

1. The learning curve is the top priority when choosing the workplace

We asked the respondents about important aspects of choosing a workplace. 47% of employees said learning opportunities is the top priority, followed by “company culture” and “income & benefits” with both 46%.

While Gen Z looks for learning opportunities to develop themselves, half of Gen Y consider income and other benefits the top essentials. This could be because Gen Z (14 – 26 years old) are still in the early stages of their careers and want to develop themselves. On the other hand, Gen Y (27 – 42 years old) have mostly established their careers and have more financial concerns.

2. Comfort is the key to an ideal workplace.

61% Of employees said “comfortable tables and chairs” is the top 1 element creating an ideal office. Also, “comfortable” is the first keyword that comes to mind when they are asked to describe an ideal office. These keywords reflect the employees’ desire for a workplace that can provide them with physical comfort, psychological satisfaction, and intellectual stimulation.

We asked the respondents about important aspects of choosing a workplace. 47% of employees said learning opportunities is the top priority, followed by “company culture” and “income & benefits” with both 46%.

While Gen Z looks for learning opportunities to develop themselves, half of Gen Y consider income and other benefits the top essentials. This could be because Gen Z (14 – 26 years old) are still in the early stages of their careers and want to develop themselves. On the other hand, Gen Y (27 – 42 years old) have mostly established their careers and have more financial concerns.